Meet the Team
Name: Aaron Mathieu
Our Supreme Commander
Aaron Mathieu is a biology teacher at Acton-Boxborough Regional High School in Acton Massachusetts, where he has been teaching since 2000. During his 18-year teaching career he has taught biology (including Advanced Placement Biology), bioethics, chemistry, physics, astronomy, physical science, forensics, and environmental science. Mr. Mathieu has been working with the BioBuilder Foundation for 3 years now and is a BioBuilder Master Coach.
Name: Chris Kuffner
Epithet: Senior's last stand
Chris Kuffner has an eternal grudge against fungus. When he was merely a freshman, an unknown fungus attacked both of his warm, damp, and vulnerable feet. He suffered relentless itching for months and vowed that one day he would kill ALL of the fungi. Chris sees potential in synthetic biology as the only solution and has spent years leaning to control its dark powers. Now, he eats those sorry mushrooms in his lunch and dinner. Chris has focused his vicious hatred on research, searching for a deadly sequence.
Name: Justin Hong
Epithet: Not so average high school senior
I joined Biobuilder because of my love for biology and interest in genetic engineering. I helped out with brainstorming, labs, and the website for our project. I like to play tennis, board games like Settlers of Catan, and of course I love studying biology. Otherwise, I often play my favorite mobile phone game, Puzzle and Dragons.
Name: Rachel Tao
Epithet: The most ehh person ever
BioBuilder: the final frontier. These are the voyages of Rachel. Her five-year mission: to explore new gene sequences, to seek out new protein models and DNA strands, to boldly stride forth into the world of genetic engineering by joining BioBuilder.
This is written only for Rachel, and not for anyone else. This is copyrighted, and anyone who steals this and therefore committing a violation will be fined $100 and sentenced for 14 days in jail.
Name: Anuradha Saini
Epithet: Anuradha Saini
To the naked eye, Anuradha Saini is a shy, fickle creature, twitching every couple of seconds among other lousy, less sophisticated students. Also known as the Supreme Leader, she prefers to be in the company of nerdy biologists instead of sweaty jocks. To quench her thirst for science, Anuradha decided to join Biobuilder during her junior year of high school. Like a flower blooming in spring, she blossomed while she held hands with her new partner, E.coli. After watching a highly disturbing safety video, Anuradha immediately came to the swift conclusion that her fellow scientists should not face the wrath of bad safety techniques. After she is kicked out of the laboratory after Biobuilder meetings, Anuradha prefers to spend time among Pokemon: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Her favorite region is Hoenn, the region that is superior to all others. Like her perfect comrades, Julia and Madhuri, she wishes to become a medical expert one day, even if this requires eliminating those close to her.Name: Madhuri Jois
Epithet: Madhuri Jois
Madhuri Jois, Supreme Dictator, enjoys spending her time reflecting on amazing literature and TV shows. As a junior exposed to horrible SAT vocab lists, she has finally discovered that she is a self-proclaimed misanthrope. She has been in BioBuilder for two years, but joining the BioBuilder Team was merely a way for her to design a super organism that will wipe out the human race, a species that she particularly despises. One rather fascinating aspect of Madhuri is she greatly enjoys eating Dove chocolates and reading the profound statements on the wrappers. Madhuri currently uses the TV show Avatar: the Last Airbender as a reference to appropriate human etiquette. In fear of someday becoming a terrifying crotchety cat lady, she would like to make the distinction that she would prefer a flying bison as a pet. She hopes to go to medical school in her future, which, in this author’s opinion, is to gain a better understanding of the human body in order to properly eviscerate those who annoy her.Name: Sarah Bluhm
The one true queen of Westeros.
Sarah Bluhm has a great interest in all sciences. That is why she joined the ABRHS iGEM. Soon after joining, she realized the diversity of applications for genetic engineering, and came up with an ingenious idea. She remains in the club to learn as much as she can about synthetic biology, so that one day the seven kingdoms will cower in awe of her knowledge, and she will acquire the iron throne, which is rightfully hers!Name: Peter Wilson
Epithet: 4X Synthetic Biology
Peter Wilson joined Biobuilder to learn basic bioengineering techniques in a real-world setting, as opposed to the textbooks. Hopefully, someday, bioengineering might produce a drug (or figure out how to get those microbes in his gut working) in order to cure his food allergies.Name: Mayank Mali
Epithet: The Web Designer
Mayank Mali's goal is to master all the STEM disciplines. iGEM and BioBuilder has been his latest victims. Besides to participating in the transformation (E Chromi) lab, Mayank has developed the website for this team. Mayank enjoys calculus, coding, and crustaceans, as well as expanding his knowlege of science in general.Name: Julia Ma